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    Entries in peanut butter (9)


    Variations on a Theme

    So, we’re getting close to the end of the semester; midterms are done. I’m really looking forward to the end of this year. I’ve had just about enough of school already and being done this year means I’ve only got (hopefully) two more to go.

    It also means that the guys at work are going to get their weekly dose of cookies.

    The new cubes we have at work (yes, I’m in a cube; I can’t wait until summer when I can work on site again – I much prefer a construction trailer to a spot in a cube farm) each have their own whiteboards, and mine of course has a “Cookie Requests” spot. The estimators have been hounding me for peanut butter, and the accountants have been begging for creamsicle cookies.

    I don’t know what it is about peanut butter cookies, but people seem to want them more than other kind of cookie. Whenever I ask for suggestions on what to make, I’m bound to have at least 2 people tell me “peanut butter.”

    I don’t like peanut butter cookies. At all. Never have, never will. I conceded last summer and made a peanut butter oatmeal no-bake cookie for them (I’m not fond of oatmeal either and thought I’d kill two birds with one stone), and while they were well received, I was getting requests for more peanut butter the next week! These people are insatiable.

    So, I know I’m just going to keep getting hassled by these peabutt nutters, and I’m hoping I can hold them off for a while with a variation.

    Almond Butter Cookies

    What you need:

    • ¾ c butter
    • ¾ c almond butter
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 tsp vanilla/almond extract/amaretto liqueur
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 1 ¾ c flour
    • ¾ c dried cherries

    Oh yeah, the sliced almonds... I didn't bother using them. You can try adding them if you'd like.

    What you gotta do:

    WARNING: I'm totally winging it here and taking you along for the ride as I make up a new cookie recipe.

    So, I had about ¾ of a cup of butter and didn’t want to bother actually measuring half a cup (the usual amount I use for cookies) so I just dumped it all into the bowl. I’d been thinking I’d use a full cup of almond butter, but as I was pouring it into the measuring cup I realized that 1 cup would probably be too much.

    Plus, I like recipes where all of the ingredients have similar or proportional measurements. It’s a bit of an OCD thing for me, but I don’t mind because I find that it usually simplifies recipes nicely. (Go look, you’ll see, I rarely mix halves and thirds)

    Once the butters are combined, add the eggs

    and then the extract. I’ve been soaking dried cherries in amaretto liqueur for a while now,

    and used some of the cherry tinted liqueur.

    Since I was totally winging this, and not entirely sure how much flour I’d need, I added it half a cup at a time, starting with a full cup. And sprinkled the baking powder on top of the flour, rather than sifting them together. I know sifting is considered very important by some people, but I rarely bother and things usually work out just fine.

    Okay, so, one cup is not enough.

    One and a half, not quite either.

    I was really hoping to make a drop cookie, with a dough as soft as something like a chocolate chip cookie… um, I have no recipe that I can link back to! WTF. How did we make it through an entire year without making brownies or chocolate chip cookies?? ah ha! Taneasha kinda did chocolate chip... still, I think we're going to have to do a chips only post.

    Anyway, drop cookie. That’s what I was going for. But that last half a cup…

    Really should have been only a quarter cup.

    Huh. That means that rather than 2 cups of flour, I need 1 ¾. Awesome.

    So, I chopped up the ¾ c dried cherries and stirred them in.

    But since I used 2 cups, I had a firmer dough that didn’t “drop” well onto the cookie sheet. I really didn’t want to go with the shaped ball pressed down with a crisscross of forks, so I just “dropped” the balls onto the sheet.

    Yeah, totally dropped the ball on this one. They didn’t spread at all. And 12 minutes at 375 was too long.

    Yes, 375 degrees. Preheat your oven now.

    So, the next set, I rolled into balls and then flattened a bit with my hand, and baked them for only 10 minutes.


    By the end of the dough, I’d given in and was rolling and flattening the cookies into symmetrical discs before baking them.

    So much for drop cookies.

    Also, after tasting a few, I realized that it’s not just peanut butter cookies I don’t like. It must be something about the nut butter… it just doesn’t make sense. I like peanut butter on toast. I like using it in hoisin sauce. I even like almond butter on toast and in amarettis, which are a cookie… but they’re more of a meringue/macaroon than they are a cookie…

    Sigh. I’m so weird.

    Oh well, at least the guys at work liked them.

     What kind of cookie don't you like?


    Getting it out of my system

    Last peanut butter recipe for a while, I promise. Unless Taneasha makes jelly, then all bets are off.

    I get regular requests for peanut butter cookies and for oatmeal cookies, and I finally decided to give in and make the boys what they want. Now, I’m not a fan of either, but they are popular cookies so I guess most people don’t mind having things that belong at breakfast for dessert.

    And even though it’s cooled off a bit lately, I have been thinking lots about the no bake sort of cookie. My mom used to make something that she called “macaroons” as her usual no bake treat. I’ve since learned that this is a Canadian name for what most people call Haystacks, and what other people call macaroons are not what I call macaroons, though both contain coconut.


    I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and save myself having to make one or the other at a later date. Less painful for me, and the boys at work get what they want. Happiness abounds.

    No Bake Peanut Butter Cookies


    What you need:

    • 2 c sugar
    • ¾ c milk
    • ¾ c butter
    • 1 tsp vanilla
    • 1 ½ c peanut butter
    • 3 c quick cooking oats
    • 1 ½ c rice crispies (gotta love the individual serving size... too bad my kid doesn't)

    What you gotta do:

    So, I used the Teddy Bear peanut butter (and I can almost see Taneasha cringing at seeing it again) which is a fairly sweet one. If you use an all natural, peanuts only one, you might want to increase your sugar a bit, maybe to 2 ½ cups.

    In a good sized pot (bigger than you think you’ll need) combine the sugar, milk and butter over medium heat.

    While that heats, measure out your peanut butter into a large metal or glass bowl. Something heatproof.

    Keep an eye on your pot o’ milk. This will boil eventually, even on medium. Stir it as it’s heating though, you don’t want it stuck to the bottom of the pan.

    Mine looked a little bit curdle-y just as it was starting to boil,

    but that disappeared once the boil was good and rolling. And by rolling, I mean it won’t stop or fall if you stir it.

    When it gets to that point, just set the spoon aside and set your timer for 2 minutes.

    It will rise up a bit as it boils. This is why you need a bigger than you think you need pot. You really really don’t want this boiling over onto your stove.

    This is the beginnings of a creamy caramel. Butter, milk and sugar. Freaking tasty.

    After your two minutes are up, slowly pour the almost caramel over the peanut butter

    And add a dribble of vanilla. Yes, I know I seem to have reverted to just eyeballing ingredient amounts. At least I gave you a volume in the ingredient list. Feel free to actually measure, if you want to.

    Once again, stirring stuff into peanut butter looks weird at first,

    But eventually it all comes together.

    Dump in your oats and cereal.

    And start stirring.

    I left out the third cup of oats and started with 2 cups of oats and all the cereal; it’s better to have to add dry ingredients than to try to figure out how to hydrate a dry cookie batter (Is this batter? Dough? What exactly is in my bowl??)

    Eventually though, I did add the last cup.

    That brought the consistency to something I was confident would hold some kind of shape if I dropped it by blobs onto paper.

    If you’re not sure of yours, drop a spoonful onto paper. It should mostly hold its shape and not spread too much.

    If it’s good, keep blobbing.

    And blobbing.

    And then add more paper at the end so you can get the last of the blobs out of the bowl.

    Build yourself a rag tag army of blobs.

    69 of them in fact. Don't believe me? Count 'em.

    They need a bit of time to set. And fridging them will definitely help with that process. Just make sure you don’t put them all on one big sheet of parchment if you think you may need to relocate them.

    These are gooey and sticky and caramelly in texture, and since they contain peanut butter, oatmeal, milk, and rice crispies, they make for a perfect breakfast cookie.

    What's your favourite breakfast cookie??